The Coronation of King Charles III and his wife, Queen Camilla has taken place at Westminster Abbey and the rain certainly didn’t keep the crowds away for the occasion. Of the many different ways people celebrated from coronation lunches, screening picnics, and street parties, the weekend ended with the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle, the highlight being those beautiful light projections on Windsor Castle and the ‘fireworks’ performance by the Queen of Pop herself Katy Perry. 

But enough of the serious stuff! When you mix the royals with celebrities from around the world, there is always going to be lots to say! 

Here are the best tweets from the Coronation! 

You cannot help but smile as this little star 

No face of panic or a disapproving mum look in sight, proving once again Kate is all class. 

Did he fly halfway across the world for this view? 

The timing is perfection 

Little Bo Peep has lost her seat! 

People can’t stop talking about how stunning The Princess of Wales looked 

Katy Perry Stealing the show 

Well, now you can’t unsee it… 

A picture that says it all.