Image spanx.com

We’ve all heard the word before and more times than not it’s coming out of the mouth of a few well known people with the last name of Kardashian or Winfrey.


By far the most popular item walking down every red carpet and through the doors of any huge event that we could only imagine what being invited to would be like…it’s a hosiery revolution.

You might think the best part of the product is well the product-but it gets even better. Not only was it created by a woman, better yet Spanx was born from a woman who built the brand from a seed to the massive successful business that it is now. Her name? Sarah Blakely.

She did her research on the tiny details that would take her brand from average to above the damn top, broke a serious sweat while convincing people to manufacture her brand and then place it in their stores, and broke the standards of the current hosiery industry.

This woman killed it. Did I forget to mention that she is now a billionaire?

Part of the elite Giving Pledge with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, she’s promised to give half of her earnings to charity as well as has established her own foundation for entrepreneurial woman.

We’d say she has earned her right to the number one bad ass woman title.

There is so much to learn from such a successful entrepreneur and even more to be inspired by, where to even begin?

  • No does not mean stop

    When the idea of Spanx was turned down by hosiery companies Blakely didn’t call it quits. She moved on to the next, and the next, and the next, and stood strong behind her brand until the perfect opportunity presented itself. When life gives you lemons and you don’t have a pitcher, that doesn’t mean don’t make the lemonade. It’s simply life redirecting you to the best possible opportunity. Don’t feel shorthanded-be patient, keeping working and wait for the magic to unfold.

  • There’s power in the small things

    Blakely researched her brand name and found out that the sound of a brand name has been proven to be quite effective. She paid attention to the product design of other brands and made hers different and better. What can we learn? Stay present and observant in all of your life endeavours whether it be work, relationships, school, etc. so you don’t short change yourself on success in any part of your life.

  • Always choose being a good person over anything else

    Always choose kindness. Always choose generosity. Can you imagine signing over 500 million dollars? Blakely doesn’t have to. Life gave her the lemons, she constructed herself a pitcher, and then she poured half of it out and gave it to those less fortunate. Charity doesn’t always mean giving away money. There’s charity in volunteering, helping a friend study, cooking someone a meal, buying the coffee for the car behind you, or helping a friend move. Do good, always.

She’s hardcore and a serious badass, and she’s just like the rest of us. We all have an inner Sara Blakely and it is up to us to tap in and unleash her.

Never stop going for what you want, pay attention to the detail, and always be a good person. Adopt these three lessons into your life and who knows maybe one day Sara Blakely will be reading about you.